A Special Thank You for the Camp Good Days Fund Raiser |
I wrote the following thank you and asked the Democrat and Chronicle if they would print it in the "Pats on the Back" section. However, I guess they didn't think it was important enough. |
In loving memory of my 16 year-old son, Sam who passed away from cancer in December 2000, my brother, Bob Thornton and I had been working on a fund raiser for Camp Good Days and Special Times. Bob designed the logo for the t-shirts called Sam's Green Ribbon Mowing. Green was his favorite color and he had his own lawn service. Our personal goal was to raise $1000 for the camp by selling t-shirts at a profit of $5 per shirt. We sent the camp a check for $1,147! Special thanks to Woodland Silk Screen and mom & dad, Clair & Roberta Thornton for picking up the orders. This would not have been possible without the huge support from the Town of Greece Highway Department who ordered 72 shirts and gave a donation from a 50/50 raffle. We thank everyone, one and all who supported us with this fund raiser and through Sam's illness and his passing. |